rivista anarchica
anno 40 n. 356
ottobre 2010


A dash of anarchy In Istria ...

In this month where the prevailing indifference and mass distraction, and that in the Istrian region means a massive tourist invasion, something different has happened and promising that involved Koper, Slovenia, and Buie and Umag in Croatia.
In either situation still prevails a calm bilingualism between Italian and Slavic languages (Slovenian and Croatian), despite the pressures of nostalgic nationalism.


Koper – Capodistria, 18 maggio 2010. Dopo la presentazione
del libro “Anarchia e potere nella guerra civile spagnola“
(ed. Elèuthera) un gruppo di antifascisti ha deposto
fiori sulla lapide che ricorda anche Giordano Viezzoli,
aviatore caduto per la libertà in Spagna.
Partito come repubblicano aveva maturato,
in terra iberica, convinzioni anarchiche

Took place in Koper, on the 18th, a cultural imprint of the libertarian, the first (to our knowledge) with the participation of about fifty people. Some sectors of the Germinal diTrieste started to present the many difficult tasks and ongoing commitments. Then they discussed with the author of "Anarchy and power in the Spanish Civil War" which offered information and reflections on the construction aspects of the libertarian revolution. Finally, it was projected "Fury over Spain," a documentary filmed by the CNT in Barcelona in early 1937.

Koper – Capodistria, 21 agosto 2010 – Manifestazione
contro l’adesione della Croazia alla NATO

The historic and militant event was inserted within a few tens of outdoor evenings sponsored by a local association that is fighting for "a society of young (or those who are young) to be implemented with creativity and a critical relationship to the surrounding social reality. "
On 21 August from Buie to Umag, ie from the Istrian coast, marched in the name of peace and justice, a score of young red and black flags and with anti-NATO banners. The march has taken a similar event in 2007 issued against Croatia's accession to NATO decided arbitrarily by the political leadership. Very interesting were the "basic principles" listed as a platform for the march: from freedom to equality, solidarity and tolerance, through the rejection of any political party. The ambitious goal of marchers was to stimulate "our generation to fight for an increasingly high degree of freedom and to preserve the positive achievements of civilization."
These are two realities in the early stages (and with great potential) and with enormous potential in a region traditionally multicultural, independent and free, almost libertarian.


Translation by Enrico Massetti (Web site on "The other Fabrizio de Andre")