Colin Ward |
Ward. It's online *La pratica della libertà (The practice of liberty)*, interview to Colin Ward by di Paolo Cottino, video realized by the Centro Studi Libertari/Archivio Giuseppe Pinelli at the meeting *Anarchia come organizzazione - Ricordando Colin Ward(Anarchy as an organization - Remembering Colin Ward)* (Milano, 30 May 2010).
part 1
part 2
part 3
In the video, divided into three parts for a total of almost 20 ', Paul Cottino Colin Ward interview on "practices of freedom", touching major issues like society and politics, the logic of do it yourself, the practices of nonviolence, the role of radical thought, the art of good compromise, "anarchical society", the theory of self-organization. A tribute to one of the most important contemporary anarchist thinkers.
For information and subscriptions:
Rom. Saturday 20 November, at 17, in Chiavari (Ge), at la Croce Verde, in Largo Casini, Paolo Finzi (“A” editor) speaks about the Rom, from the origins to the current situation, with special attention to their extermination by the nazs during World War Two. Organed byCentro Donato Renna. For additional info, contact Massimo Cappitti: cell. 333 87 27 373, e.mail:
Carrara. The Association of Archivi Germinal of Carrara promotes from October to January a series of meetings on social control called "under control". The meetings are held at the boardroom of the Municipality of Carrara, in the center, 17.00. After the first three took place in October, here are the dates: November 13 Davide Calenda (Discipline and reward), November 27 Massimo Leone (Gated communities and community-ghetto), December 11 Committee "Truth and Justice" (Murder of state), 15 January Marco Rovelli (Why produce illegal immigrants? to produce servants), January 29 Luca Galassi (Paris six years later. banlieus The security policies in French). For info:
USI Milano. In Milan, in the new headquarters of USI, located in Via Torricelli 19 (Ticino district) a few meters from the Circle of the criminals (and replacing that historic Viale Bligny 22), Saturday, December 18 at 17 Paolo Finzi (the Editor of "A") and Sergio Onesti (USI) have the special issue of the anarchist magazine "A" dedicated to his first 40 years.
Vaneigem. In the book, just released, "Né vendetta né perdono (Giustizia moderna e crimini contro l'umanità)" - neither vengeance nor pardon (modern justice and crimes against humanity) (Eleuthera, pp. 120, 12.00) Vaneigem shows how during the twentieth century there is an attempt to give a definition of "crimes against humanity" and to determine the appropriate penalties. Through this reflection, the author highlights the nature and modalities of the judiciary. The result is a clear vibrant pro-life and against neoliberalism, which demonstrates the inanity of modern justice. A justice that, at best, "succeeds only to limit the excesses of an inhuman system" and that behind the rhetoric of rehabilitation of the offender, thinks only to pay exemplary punishments dictated by the logic of the market and the will to power.
The book comes out in Italy in a time when the debate on justice is particularly intense and is located in an unorthodox position with respect to the views of politicians, judges and experts.
Raoul Vaneigem, philosopher, writer and journalist, was with Guy Debord, one of the best known members of the International Situationist in the sixties. Author of numerous books and pamphlets, in Italy is especially known for its treatment of etiquette for use by younger generations, republished several times and went down in history as the "most stolen book of '68."
For info: Eleuthera publisher, via G. Rovetta 27, 20127 Milano, tel. 02 26 14 39 50, fax 02 28 04 03 40, PO Box 17002 Agency 67 Milano, 20128 Milano,
ZIC. It was released on volume Anarchist Chronicles. The newspaper Humanity Nova in Italy during the twentieth century (1929-1945) by Franco Schirone. Writings by De Agostini, Di Lembo, D'Errico, Galzerano, Guerrini, Ortalli, Pagliaro, M.Rossi, Sacchetti, Scaliati and Schirone. To the book of 296 pages, there are attached two DVDs containing the complete collection of digitized newspaper Humanity Nova (1920-1922) edition of Milan and Rome. There are also an output contains the numbers in exile (USA, Argentina, France) and those published during the period of armed resistance against fascism. A work of great importance for our understanding of our movement in crucial periods in Italian history.

The cover price, that we have tried to contain to the maximum, is 28.00 euro. The conditions are the usual: 50% discount for at least 5 requests for copies paid in advance. Shipping charges are 7.00 euro per pack while requests for single copies shipping costs are borne by us.
Recall the new references: postal account 98985831 payable to Zero in Condotta Association, Milan. For transfers using IBAN IT14 P076 0101 6000 0009 8985 831
Translation by Enrico Massetti ("The other Fabrizio")
(S)oggetti contundenti - Blunt (su)bjects/(o)bjects
Brescia, from 25 November
Every day, opening the newspapers, we are dismayed and horrified by the massive violence that former SS or who refuse to be left, using the bodies of women. The writer was the victim of a grotesque and insane stalking by an ex as, unfortunately, many of the women we know. It is an uncivil war, undeclared but tenacious, daily and continuous, so that the world organizations estimate that the death by men, for women, is a major cause of mortality. It is called "(S)oggetti contundenti" to combat violence against women and the legendary stainless steel Tania Lorandi and Gretel Fehr held at Eticoatelier at the Banca Popolare Etica in via Musei 31, from 25 November to 25 December.
"(S)oggetti contundenti" of women art object, but in response to the violence who by stalking, rapes, assaults, murders. The art has in common with violence only the physicality and immediacy, however, while the art is free expression, it is not violence, so the silence is pure assent. Here art becomes the most effective, because it's even therapy to exercise the right to speak, or at least to get used to it more and more.
The artists taking part with valuable works on various media, and three-dimensional bidimesionali are Carla Crosio, Mavi Ferrando, Cecilia Guastaroba, Raffaella Formenti, Fabienne Guerens, Ezia Mitolo, Rosanna Borgo, Valentina Crivelli, Raffaella Simone, Micaela Giuseppone, Patrizia Diamante, Melania Piumino, Titti Botticchio, Rosaria Matarese, Alessandra Sawicki, Eleonora De Montis, Eliana Frontini, Marie Ligier. Some works of Pippa Bacca are kindly provided by Carla Roncato. The musical atmosphere is edited by Tania Lorandi. During the days of the initiative, there will be art performance, book presentations, poetry, the psychologist says.
A November 25, International Day Against Violence Against Women, which will not see only women celebrated, but also subject of art we are familiar with, the weapons ... creativity, speech, emotions, poetry, colors, self-expression. You are invited / to the vernissage at 16 hours.
Patrizia “Pralina” Diamante Translation by Enrico Massetti ("The other Fabrizio") |