Rivista Anarchica Online

years ago


by the editorial staff



The cover, an interview with radical militants of CISA (Information Centre Sterilization and Abortion) and an article on the situation in Italy ("In the land of golden spoons" the title) report to the attention of the magazine with the grave problem of ' abortion. The number that we revisit this time is n. 35, dated "February 1975". Interestingly, the simultaneous presence, in the writings of Rossella Di Leo, a strong sympathy and harmony with the activities "illegal" radical militants of the CISA and a constant reference to the ideological anarchism. "The same I do Adele, one of the founders of the CISA, - Di Leo writes in the conclusion of the service - is declared anarchist, despite not having ties with the organized anarchist movement. Where we do not follow the more radical is when the direct action, ie from the social to pass referendums and laws, ie to the institutional and state. Because we, in fact, we are revolutionaries and libertarians, they are reformist and democratic, even if extra-parliamentary. " In these words is the main thrust of the magazine - and a part of the anarchist movement - to believe abstaining from the referendum promoted by the radicals in those years, from that on divorce a few months earlier he had scored, with the resounding victory of the " no "repeal, a historic defeat of the clerical power in Italy. A choice and a debate that is echoed over the decades, and the attention to the choices of the anarchists and libertarians, with different solutions on the participation or not the referendum. Another theme 37 years ago and still "open" is that of "A language". Under the heading of the email will be published two letters, one of "a companion of Venice" and another of an unemployed worker of Catania. The latter launched "an appeal to fellow professors, doctors, etc.. who write on A: strive to be simple and abandoned by the language experts (...)". The editorial basically accepts the criticism and takes the opportunity to ask employees to keep in mind the question of intelligibility. Looking back to the file in multiple bets on U.S. cooperatives, edited by Enrico Massetti and published in 2011 on "A", takes a particular interest in the writing of Robert Ambrosoli the cooperative movement in Italy, significantly entitled "The Twilight of an illusion?" . Same Ambrosoli point out a clear stance against the Decrees of Delegates, that is for the new boards of the school, born in a top-down to reflect and convey, in some way, the drive to participate in determining the choices at school, on ' long wave of '68. Among other issues addressed in Issue 35 "A" include: memory, 30 years later, the cold winter of 1944 and the partisans who lived in the mountains committed against the Nazi-fascists, the politics of Mexican President Echeverria, an analysis of some primitive societies between power and sacredness, and the situation of young people forced into military service, the lawyer's interview of Gianfranco Bertoli, the assassin of the Police Headquarters in May 1973 Milan.