Rivista Anarchica Online


*** To the readers / Eating (and drinking) for “A”
Andrea Papi Society / Prospects of change
Carlo Oliva reflections / Old songs
Cosimo Scarinzi Women in the square / Moral question and social question
Valentina Galasso libertarian pedagogy / A network, many questions
Antonio Cardella Catholic church / An unstoppable decline?
Gianni Sartori Fatti & misfatti / Meeting in Paris and Nagoya Summit
Gianni Sartori Fatti & misfatti / Biodiversity and Infectious Diseases
Nestor Fatti & misfatti / Remembering Umberto Tommasini
*** TamTam / Appointments
Laura Gargiulo Repression / Prisons in Sardinia
Philippe Godard Refusal of work 1 / Working is not good for the planet!
Alberto Tognola Refusal of work 2 / Work? No thanks! That is: life is elsewhere
Angelo Pagliaro Cosenza / The Roma and the differentiated collection of feelings
Bruno Bigoni At the cinema / The problem of clichés
Claudio Albertani Mexico / Among civil wars and resistancee
Claudio Albertani Mexico / He's gone Samuel Ruiz, Bishop of the indios
Marco Pandin Music&ideas / Paradise of tops
Marco Pandin Music&ideas / From lost space
Alessio Lega walks of life / The city of "A" circled
Marco Rovelli libertarian review / Condamned because he was born
Daniele Barbieri libertarian review / Also in Italy the dictature of petrolierato
Salvo Vaccaro libertarian review / Deleuze, Derrida, Foucault: anarchist reading
Persio Tincani libertarian review / God, no thanks!
Mario Coglitore libertarian review / But for someone on April 25 was not the end
Dante Strona Poetry / Without leave
Beniamino Biondi Cinema / Marginal Catalan Cinema
Stefani Casi Cinema / Watkins Images (Vs. power)
Peter Watkins Cinema / The crisis of mass-media
Redazione “A” Thirtyseven years ago / The number 29 of “A”
Andrea Staid Anthropology / For an analysis of the domain
Massimo Ortalli History / A as Abruzzo, A as anarchy
Fiammetta Bonfigli Anarchism debate / For overcoming of veterofemminismo, Possible outcome to libertarian outlets
Andrea Staid Anarchism debate / Read anarchists
Felice Accame A nous la liberté / The Padded lock
Francesco Tacchi Remembering Pietro Gori 1 / An outdated figure
S.G. Gori vs. De André? Wins Gorizio
Paolo Becherini Remembering Pietro Gori 2 / The plaque (still) not there
Roberto Ambrosoli Anarchik
Zelinda Carloni Remembrances / Until the 12 December evening
Coordinadora Casella Postale 17120 / La Coordinadora and the zapatista coffee
Franco Bertolucci Casella Postale 17120 / Pisa/ The monument moved
Nino Staffa Casella Postale 17120 / Art and anarchy/knock…
Arturo Schwarz Casella Postale 17120 / Art and anarchy/... and answer
*** Black funds / Subscriptions




Redazione e amministrazione
Editrice A cas. post. 17120
20170 Milano
telefono ++39 02 2896627
fax ++39 02 28001271
email: arivista@tin.it

Responsabili ai fini di legge
Fausta Bizzozzero

Ricerca iconografica e impaginazione su carta
Erre & Pi - Milano

Versione On Line a cura di Cati Schintu, Alex Steiner, Edy Zarro

English edition cured by Enrico Massetti.

Registrazione al tribunale
di Milano in data 24.2.1971 al n. 72

Nel catalogo internazionale delle pubblicazioni periodiche
la rivista è classificata con ISSN 0044-5592

Bytes riciclati al 100% (copertine incluse) :-)

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(Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana)

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