Rivista Anarchica Online




Recipes. It's in distribution the book "ricette libertarie (libertarian recipes)" following a "ricette anarchiche (anarchist recipes)" and which hopes to follow in the success. I'm thinking of completing the project with a third volume, and since the preparation of each of those jobs required more or less, one year is better than I give birth soon. So: do not send recipes and stories since the new book is essentially comic, but I ask because I would like to publish a list of such places, information about places or situations where eating is not just a commercial gimmick, but it has also supportive and creative libertarian values (eg.: The Osteria della Merla Gualtieri, the workshop of the Archives of Resistance to Mayakovsky Fosdinovo, the organic vegetable garden rainbow of the "land of encounters" on Zelarono-Mestre, the kitchens of People of Reggio Emilia, etc.). Info on venues outside Italy are welcome. Send information to: rino@rinodemichele.org . Requests for the book "anarchist recipes " (14 euro) and / or "libertarian recipes" (15 euro) write an email to: info@sicilialibertaria.it . The payment should be made to CCP 78 69 97 66 payable to John Giunta - Noto (Sr).

Merlino. Editions of the Research Center for Libertarian "Camillo Di Sciullo" was released on volume of Chieti The end of socialism? Francesco Saverio Merlino possible anarchy, which contains the Proceedings of the studies that took place at Imola on 1 July 2000, sponsored and organized by the Association "Arts and Thoughts." The conference, the first and so far the only one dedicated specifically to the figure of Merlino, has enabled a wide-ranging comparison, in which the careful historiographical reconstruction has been intertwined with debates and discussions on theoretical knots of great importance and relevance, with the participation of scholars from different cultural and political orientations. The book is edited by Gianpiero Landi, who was also the presentation (which will publish the next issue of "A"). Following these interventions and reports: Giampietro Berti, liberal-libertarian socialism Francesco Saverio Merlino, Massimo La Torre, A deliberative conception of politics. Francesco Saverio Merlino between anarchism and democracy; Voccia Henry, the political and cultural background of Merlino; Christmas Musa, Merlino and the revolution in southern Italy, Emilio Raffaele Papa, FS Merlino, a lawyer for criminals, "the defense of the regicide Gaetano Brescia Bruno Bongiovanni, the revision of Marxism from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Paul Favilli, On the concepts of" orthodoxy", "revisionism", "Marxism." Notes about their use of historiography today, Raimondo Cubeddu, Merlino, and the Austrian marginalist theorists of individualism, Peter Adam, Merlino and Tucker: the reasons for disagreement, Nadia Urbinati, a founding father of the Italian democratic culture; Gianpiero Landi, Aldo Venturini scholar and follower of the work of Merlino, Luciano Lanza, Merlino? A tiny little marginal, Luciano Pelicans, Merlino collectivist utopia. The volume also contains several appendices, including two in particular deserve to be reported unpublished texts by Bruno Rizzi on the thought of Merlino. The text, 314 pp. and with a cover price of 15 €, can be obtained by writing to: fab.pal@libero.it.

Müehsam. It was published by Leonhard Schaefer, Erich Müehsam, who was once a revolutionary, political poems of the great German anarchist and revolutionary whose motto, "bend it means lying," he followed to its extreme consequences. Andrea Cres, ?.p. 67, 25124 Brescia, www.chersi.it . .

The A-rim
continues to roll all over the world

The A-cerchiata (A-Rim) continues to roll in the world You just output the translation in French and Spanish of the picture book A-Rim, veracious history and unexpected outcomes of a symbol, proposed by Eleuthera in 2008, re-enacting through hundreds of color photos not only the birth of this symbol, but also its International dissemination (and distortion).

In Spain we thought the publishing house Editorial anarchist Virus (www.viruseditorial.net), in collaboration with the Fundación Salvador Seguí of Barcelona (www.fundacionssegui.org), to publish the book under the title A, Historia y Resultados imprevisto de un simbolo.

In France were instead Editions Alternatives, the Gallimard publishing group (www.editionsalternatives.com) to offer it with the title A, Histoire véridique d'un symbole.

It is not over, because from Argentina is coming an edition for Latin America organized by La Marca Editora (www.lamarcaeditora.com) and a Portuguese version by the journal Utopia.

Translation and summary by Enrico Massetti (Web site on "The other Fabrizio de Andre")