Rivista Anarchica Online



The cover of issue 341 signposts a feature by Andrea Papi and Rivista Eutopia on “Greece in revolt”. Elsewhere in the issue there is also a photo of a demonstration in Mexico City to condemn the killing of Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the forces of law and order.
Not surprisingly, this issue also contains contributions marking the arrival of the new incumbent in the Oval Office, a certain Barack Obama: an article by Antonio Cardella, and letters by Gianni Corini, Giorgio Barberis (there is also a letter from Gianpaolo Cherchi not about Obama).
Daniel Barrett reports on the situation of the social movements in Evo Morales’ Bolivia. Also sadly in the news again, Gaza; Maria Matteo reports.
Carlo Oliva on the bizarre assertion of senator Marcello Pera that “there is no liberalism without God”. And in this time when education in Italy is under attack, an article on/by “Students on the Verge of a Crisis” with photos by Roberto Gimmi.
In “Fatti & Misfatti”, the Gruppo Anarchico di Ragusa demands the town’s freedom from religious symbols; Francesco Caputo reports on an exhibition of the “documents of protest 1968-1977” at the Fondazione Biblioteca di Via Senato. Carlo De Maria reports on a day of study in Reggio Emilio dedicated to Giovanna Caleffi Berneri. There is a photoreportage of the twin plaques placed in Alessandria by the Committee of Chilean Workers in Exile commemorating the murders of Giuseppe Pinelli in Milan in 1969 and of Mapuche anarchist Jhonny Cariqueo Yanez in Santiago in March 2008.
The issue contains a reproduction of the front page of an issue of “A” from 27 years ago.
Patrizia Chiesa and Alessio Lega present a dossier on the work of singer-songwriter Piero Ciampi, to mark the recent publication of the volume “Piero Ciampi - discografia illustrate”, including an interview with Ugo Marcheselli.
Another book with a musical connection is presented, Mauro Garofalo and Marco “Morgan” Castoldi, on the latter’s musical career, “In pArte Morgan”.
In the libertarian review, a presentation by Giampietro Berti of Paolo Finzi’s new book “La nota persona. Errico Malatesta in Italia”. Another stalwart of “A” has a book published: “Attraverso la tecnica” by Adriano Paolella. Mario Dellacqua presents a book by Lorenzo Tibaldo on the lives and deaths of Sacco and Vanzetti, “Sotto un cielo stellato”.
Patrizia Diamante presents a not entirely serious review, with images, of the not entirely serious book by Antonio Castronuovo on Angelo Fortunato Formíggini, whose suicide 70 years ago was a grand anti-fascist gesture, “Libri da ridere. La vita, i libri e il suicidio di Angelo Fortunato Formíggini”
In “à nous la liberté”, another book, Musil’s “A man without qualities”, is considered by Felice Accame, along with a gathering in 1966 of “capelluti d’Italia” (Italy’s longhairs).
There is a poem by Fabio Conti devoted to those who die due to accidents in the workplace.
Finishing the issue, appropriately, a disquisition by Sebastiano Cammelli and Antonio Senta on the land at the end of the earth, Tierra del Fuego, and Errico Malatesta, who (almost) went there 120 years ago.

by Leslie Ray