Rivista Anarchica Online


The dossier of cover (pagg. 9-15) you/he/she is devoted to the phenomenon of the immigration, faced - this time - not so much in his general lines, but giving voice to people and associations that daily operate to contact and in defense of the immigrants - to Genoa (the association open "City") and to Milan (the Filef). Savior Palidda faces the matter of the attentions and the police persecutions against the migrant ones, but also against gypsies and vagabond.
One of the most impressive phenomenons of the last years in Italy are the diffusion of the cellular telephones: with his usual sarcastic style, Charles Oliva (pagg. 5-6) it analyzes the phenomenon looking for of light aldilàs of the appearances.
A big international Conference of studies is promoted by varied institutions cultural anarchists, in collaboration with the university in Venice, for the first weekend of May (5-7 May) on the theme Anarchists and Hebrews. To the paggs. 16-17 are introduced the complete program and also a presentation of Pietro Adamo of the debate on the double "identity" (anarchist and Jew, note) that it will be developed Sunday 7 May.
The most known Italian enologo, Luigi Veronelli, is for a long time an anarchist: almost fifty years do you/he/she published for first in Italy "You social matter" of P.J. Proudhon. His I call to the young anarchists and of the social centers because is also beaten for the fates of the agriculture, against the political industrialistes of the Power, it is to the paggs. 18-19.
For a long time "A" devotes particular attention to the musical world: on this number Mario Bossi (pagg. 20-22) he/she speaks of two groups, the Italian Merchants of liqueur and the Dutch Fugazis.
Another dossier (pagg. 24-35) you/he/she is devoted to Mexico. Pietro Vermentini, an anarchist Italian resident in the Chiapas, interviewed already last October on "A", is you/he/she author of a small wise man from the title "The Zapatismo is a libertarian movement"?. Its answer is (obviously) affirmative. Frank Pretty, an anarchist Milanese had just been reentering for two months in Mexico, tells his experience - particularly that of doctor in the one "clinic" in a community of the Chiapas. Two pieces of character historical ripercorrono then his/her brothers' circumstances Magòn and of Emiliano Zapata.
On last February 17 has been the 500° anniversary of the murder (on the fire) of the philosopher Giordano Bruno, become a martyr of the Free Thought against the oscurantismo of the Catholic Church that exactly did him/it burn. An interview to a researcher of his thought and a chronicle of the anticlerical demonstration that you/he/she is held in Rome (in full Jubilee!) they propose on of it "A" (pagg. 37-45) the tragic circumstance.
To also signal the editorial (pag. 4) in which is signalled, besides, the possibility to send to whom does requires a special version of it, on floppy, of the texts of "A", on purpose studied for the ipo-seeing and not-seeing readers; the usual index book of the statements ("Tamtam" pag. 7) and that of Felice Accame (pag. 23) that it analyzes the phenomenons of the perception. Finally in the index book of the mail (pagg. 46-50) three long interventions on the theme of the biotecnologies, in polemic with how much written by Maria Matteo: the debate continues.
A signaling finally deserves the publication of a monograph of 24 pages, devoted anarchic Fabrizio De André to the singer songwriter, dead in January 1999. The number 252 (March 1999) of the magazine, with the cover and a dossier devoted to De André, you/he/she must be suffered exhausted and this monograph has now gone out - that you/he/she is introduced and publicized on this number of "A" - from the title "Mrs. Liberty, Miss Anarchy."
To know more of it, also on as to order her/it, read to you the editorial (pag. 4).

Good reading!

translated by Leslie Ray