rivista anarchica
anno 41 n. 1
febbraio 2011



*** To the readers / Our bet
Maria Matteo Immigrants / The stick and the small carrot
Cosimo Scarinzi School / Here comes the Evaluation Team
Antonio Cardella Turchia / Mamma li turchi!
Andrea Papi Anarchic Movement / Libertarian Greece
Comunisti libertari Anarchic Movement / A society in the society
Orsetta Bellani Climate / They on the moon - We on the earth
Giorgio Bezzecchi Rom / Behind the Covenant of Legality
Luca Vitone Luxembourg / The Rom flag on the flagpole
Comitato Vicenza Est Fatti & misfatti / Vicenza 1 - Disert, disert
Gianni Sartori Fatti & misfatti / Vicenza 2 - Interview with Comitato Vicenza Est
Gianni Sartori Fatti & misfatti / Vicenza 3 - The otters, the US base and the floods
Gianni Sartori Fatti & misfatti / The tiger, a disappearance Announced
dal blog L’anarchico Fatti & misfatti / Revolution, a conference in Milan
Angelo Pagliaro Fatti & misfatti / Piazza Fontana in 9 CDs
Giorgio Sacchetti Fatti & misfatti / Arezzo, the Berneri staircase
Angelo Pagliaro Fatti & misfatti / Caso Mastrogiovanni, Between gowns and pajamas
Agostino Manni Fatti & misfatti / Remembering Paolo Friz, the good giant
Marco Pandin Music&ideas / The last record Of the Mohicani
Marco Pandin Music&ideas / Crass History
Gaia Raimondi Honduras / 519 years of indigenous resistance
Comunità indigene Honduras / Declaration for the defense of territories
Laura Gargiulo Sardinia / Tell me what you produce and I'll tell you who you are
Alessio Lega Walks of life / ... Singer and company, Ciccio Busacca
Arturo Schwarz Poetry corner / Seven poems instead of a prefatory
Vicente Taquias Vergara Chile-Italy / World Citizen, the memories and the fights of Urbano
Vicente Taquias Vergara Chile-Italy / Senal 3 in Italy
Roberto Ambrosoli The return of Anarchik
Matteo Podrecca, Eduardo Olmi,
Francesco Albino, Tommaso Regazzo
Parcel bombs / Functional to the power
Ex lavanderia Parcel bombs / A new world nonviolent and free
Pietro Masiello Parcel bombs / Against acts of indiscriminate violence
Felice Accame Libertarian review / Not all were silent
Carlo Oliva Libertarian review / But the critical thought, where was it?
Daniele Barbieri Libertarian review / In mine and the world
Matteo Pelitti Libertarian review / Dialogue (and monologue)
Andrea Staid Libertarian review / It's up to us to choose
Alessandro Fiori Libertarian review / How did start the descent into hell
Pietro Ferrua Libertarian review / Bruno Segre awkward
Enrico Massetti Libertarian review / Fair Game
Massimo Ortalli Libertarian review / We believed and we still believe
Franco Berardi “Bifo” Libertarian review / Facebook is a trap
Felice Accame Social care / The Catholic reviewer
don Andrea Gallo Religions - 1 / Anarchy and Christianity
Federico Battistutta Religions - 2 / Anarchist Buddhism?
Andrea Staid Anarchism debate / Open and hybrid thoughts
Maurizio Antonioli History / Anarchists between Sila and Aspromonte
Bruno Bigoni At the movies / Why it is important to see documentaries
*** TamTam / Press
Luca Bino P.O. Box 17120 / For a Isa perspective
Stefano Stoffella P.O. Box 17120 / Governments are not fault tolerant
Pino Cobianchi P.O. Box 17120 / Welcome in Alcatraz
Eugen Galasso P.O. Box 17120 / Against politics politician
Italiani Imbecilli P.O. Box 17120 / Dear Antonio Cardella. 1
Davide Turcato P.O. Box 17120 / Dear Antonio Cardella. 2
Angelo Tirrito P.O. Box 17120 / Who saves?
Francesca Palazzi Arduini P.O. Box 17120 / The suicide of Monicelli, the rhetoric of Binetti
*** Our black funds / Subscriptions
Fiamma Chessa Comrades / Remembering Giovanni Gualdi




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Editrice A cas. post. 17120
20170 Milano
telefono ++39 02 2896627
fax ++39 02 28001271
email: arivista@tin.it

Responsabili ai fini di legge
Fausta Bizzozzero

Ricerca iconografica e impaginazione su carta
Erre & Pi - Milano

Versione On Line a cura di Cati Schintu, Alex Steiner, Edy Zarro

Edizione in lingua inglese a cura di Enrico Massetti.

Registrazione al tribunale
di Milano in data 24.2.1971 al n. 72

Nel catalogo internazionale delle pubblicazioni periodiche
la rivista è classificata con ISSN 0044-5592

Bytes riciclati al 100% (copertine incluse) :-)

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(Unione Stampa Periodica Italiana)

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